Amos Rolider, a professor at Emek Yezreel College in Israel will be receiving the 2009 SABA award for effective presentation. As my favorite interest is disseminating behavior analysis, the career of Dr. Rolider is of interest to me. He’s been teaching, researching, and practicing for over 30 years in north America and Israel. His main focuses tend to surround anti-social behaviors of children in home and typical school settings. It was through this work, and guest appearances in televeision and radio that allowed Dr. Rolider to begin a weekly live television program that is currently gaining popularity. This television show called “Parenting 101” has become very popular, in large part because of Dr. Rolider’s ability to take his mastery of behavior analysis and communicate it into user-friendly conversational style approach. This talk should be a fantastic introduction on how to disseminate properly. So often, behavior analysts become mired in our own technical jargon without realizing that we must ‘translate’ to those we are attempting to serve.
#10 Special Event
11:30 AM - 12:50 PM
West 301 CD
Opening Event: Society for the Advancement of Behavior Analysis Awards
Chair: Janet S. Twyman (Headsprout)
Abstract: Perhaps nothing has been more frustrating to behavior analysts than the fact that the effective interventions they have developed have been met with hostility and apathy from other professionals and the public at large. As a result of this lack of acceptance, the field of behavior analysis, so far, has not been able to penetrate the walls of the general education system. Thus, millions of children, educators, and parents still only rarely take advantage of its scientifically well-documented effectiveness…

#10 Special Event
11:30 AM - 12:50 PM
West 301 CD
Opening Event: Society for the Advancement of Behavior Analysis Awards
Chair: Janet S. Twyman (Headsprout)
Abstract: Perhaps nothing has been more frustrating to behavior analysts than the fact that the effective interventions they have developed have been met with hostility and apathy from other professionals and the public at large. As a result of this lack of acceptance, the field of behavior analysis, so far, has not been able to penetrate the walls of the general education system. Thus, millions of children, educators, and parents still only rarely take advantage of its scientifically well-documented effectiveness…
The Effects of "Behavior-Speak" on Public Attitudes Toward Behavioral Interventions: A Cross-Cultural Argument for Using Conversational Language to Describe Behavioral Interventions to the General Public - Amos Rolider and Saul Axelrod. (in Focus on Behavior Analysis in Education: Achievements, Challenges, & Opportunities)
Rolider, A., Axelrod, S. & Van Houten, R. (1998) Don’t Speak Behaviorism to Me: How to Clearly And Effectively Communicate Behavioral Interventions to the General Public. Child and Family Behavior Therapy, vol. 8 (2).
Rolider, A., Cummings, A., & Van Houten, R. (1992). Side Effects of Therapeutic Punishment on Academic Performances and Eye Contact of Two Developmentally Handicapped Adults. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, vol. 24(4) 763-775 see abstract online
Van Houten, R., & Rolider, A. (1989). An Analysis of Several Variables Influencing the Efficacy of Flash Card Instruction. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 22(1), 111-120. see abstract online
Van Houten, R. & Rolider, A. (1988). Recreating the scene: An effective way to provide delayed punishment for inappropriate motor behavior. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 21, 187-192. see abstract online
Van Houten, R. & Rolider, A. (1988). Recreating the scene: An effective way to provide delayed punishment for inappropriate motor behavior. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 21, 187-192. see abstract online
Rolider, A., Shoham, N. & Lamberg, P. (2000) Applied Behavior Analysis Principles and Strategies. Reading for students, internal publication of Emek Yezreel College. (Hebrew)
Rolider, A. (2000) Bullying at School: Practical Guide for School Personnel Experimental edition. Internal publication of Emek Yezreel College. (Hebrew)
Rolider, A. & Axelrod, S. (2000) Teaching Self–Control to Children Through Trigger Analysis. Texas: Pro-Ed Inc.
Book Chapters
Rolider, A. & Van Houten, R. (1995). The Interpersonal Treatment Model: Teaching Appropriate Social Inhibitions Through the Development of Personal Stimulus Control by the Systematic Introduction of Antecedent Stimuli. In Van Houten, R. & Axelrod, S. (Eds) Effective Behavioral Treatment: Issues and Implementation. Ed. New York: Plenum Press.
Van Houten, R., Rolider, A. Malenfant, L. and Van Houten, J. (1994). Prevention of Brain Injuries by Improving Safety Related Behaviors. In Finlayson, M. & Garner, S. (Eds) Brain Injury Rehabilitation Clinical Considerations. Williams & Wilkins: Physical Medicine Library.
Rolider, A. & Van Houten, R. (1991). The Role of Reinforcement in Reducing Inappropriate Behavior: Some Myths and Misconceptions. In Repp & Singh (Eds.) Aversive and Non-Aversive Treatment. Ed. Sycamore Publishing, Illinois.
Van Houten, R. & Rolider, A. (1991). Research in Applied Behavior Analysis. In J.L. Matson & J.A. Mulnick (Eds) Handbook for Mental Retardation, 2nd Ed. New York: Pergamon Press.
Van Houten, R. & Rolider, A. (1991). Declarative Procedure Based Upon Compliance Training. In J.K. Luiselli, J.L. Matson & N.N. Singh (Eds) Assessment, Analysis and Treatment of Self Injury. Ed. New York: Springer-Velarge.
Rolider, A., Van Houten, R., Hamm, S.L. & Williams, L.W. (1991). Severe School-Related Behavior Problems in Adolescents: The Use of A Home-Based Inter Personal Treatment Model with Parents as Mediators. Behavior Disorders of Adolescence: Research Intervention, And Policy in Clinical and School Settings.

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