Hi All,
I wanted to let everyone know that the Association for Behavior Analysis International is soliciting its members to find instructors to teach classes in the ABAI sponsored Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST) Masters Degree Program in Applied Behavior Health Analysis. This international initiative started in 2005 as a result of one of ABAI’s international delegations to the Middle East. The program currently has two groups of students enrolled with the first group expected to graduate this December. This is the first Middle Eastern graduate degree program in behavior analysis that has ever been offered and ABAI is currently soliciting applications for instructors for both academic positions (Ph.D.s with relevant teaching experience) and practicum positions (Masters degrees with relevant applied experience). To find out more about this opportunity and the program please visit: www.behaviorscience.org/JUST/ABAI_JUST_Graduate_Program.pdf and attend the “Information and Recruitment Session for the First Middle Eastern Masters Degree Program in Behavior Analysis” business meeting at the annual convention in Phoenix. The meeting will be held on Sunday, May 24th, North 221C from 8:00am until 8:50am. In addition, you can also contact the Program Coordinator, Linda J. Hayes at lhayes@unr.edu or the Assistant Program Coordinator, Erick M. Dubuque at erickdubuque@yahoo.com if you have any questions.
We look forward to seeing you at the business meeting. Be sure to tell any of your colleagues that you think might be interested.

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